Body Love Series: You Are The Ritual


What is your self love language?

I believe it begins with making choices that are in alignment with who you are and building trust with yourself. 

We must be full in ourselves in order to find the love we desire, and by getting to know our inner selves deeply we can begin this process of cultivating self-love.

Easier said than done, right?

Realistically, living in self love can be as simple as embracing mundane moments and allowing yourself to become something new. It looks like loving yourself even when you feel stuck or messy. In truth, every small and simple action can be a ritual in itself.

In this episode, I invite you to explore your own self-love language, whether that be yoga, lighting candles, praying or meditating, or any other everyday activity that you allow yourself to relish in. Ultimately it is about letting your inner self know that you are listening to it.

In this episode:

  • 4:44 - Discussing the concept of self-love languages, inspired by Gary Chapman's five love languages in relationships.

  • 6:07 - Personal reflections on self-love and the desire to heal the love relationship with oneself, with a focus on words of affirmation.

  • 8:40 - Exploring and cultivating your desired self-love language as you embark on creating a self-love ritual.

  • 12:37 - Being full of oneself and developing an intimate, loving relationship with oneself before seeking it externally.

  • 16:55 - Being present in everyday moments where one can choose to say yes to themselves or abandon themselves, and how those choices define the path of self-love.

  • 19:38 - Choices as the conduit for self-love, self-respect, and self-worth, and the significance of listening to the body's sensations to make aligned decisions.

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Download Your Radiant Essence: Your Essential Guide to Healing Burnout

The tools you’ll learn in this guide will help you to powerfully connect to your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. These three things are the key to learning your body’s language.

Justine Aksoy

Justine hopes to produce meaningful, and thoughtful content. She understands the importance of connecting with others through her art form. Her main goal as an artist; is to convey a feeling or an emotion that will leave a lasting impression on her audience.


Body Love Series: Cultivating Safety in Your Body